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Using sql tag with the pg module provides a safe way to construct your queries, ensuring that values are properly parameterized to prevent SQL injection attacks.

import { Client } from "pg";
import { sql } from "@ts-safeql/sql-tag";

const client = new Client();

await client.connect();

const userId = 1;
const { rows } = await client.query(sql`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ${userId}`);
// => equivalent to client.query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1", [userId])

await client.end();


Similarly, the sql tag can be utilized with Sequelize to ensure that queries are constructed safely and values are properly escaped.

import { Sequelize } from "sequelize";
import { sql } from "@ts-safeql/sql-tag";

const sequelize = new Sequelize();

const userId = 1;
const users = await sequelize.query(sql`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ${userId}`);
// => equivalent to sequelize.query({ query: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1", values: [userId] })



Check out @ts-safeql-demos/typeorm for a working example.

Advanced Usage


For cases where you want to enforce a specific type for the values in your SQL queries, you can use createTypedSqlTag. This function allows you to create a custom sql tag that is aware of the type of values it should accept.

import { createTypedSqlTag } from "@ts-safeql/sql-tag";

// Define the possble expressions that can be used in the query
type Expression = string | number | boolean;

// Create a typed SQL tag
const sql = createTypedSqlTag<UserFields>();

// Now `sql` will only accept `Expression` expressions
const query = sql`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ${userId} AND name = ${userName}`;

Transforming Values

Sometimes, you might need to transform the values before they are passed to the query. The createTypedSqlTag function accepts an options object which can include a transform function. This function is applied to each value before constructing the final query.

import { createTypedSqlTag } from "@ts-safeql/sql-tag";

// Create a typed SQL tag with the transform option
const booleanSql = createTypedSqlTag<boolean>({
  // Define a transform function that converts a boolean to an integer
  transform: (value) => {
    return typeof value === "boolean" ? (value ? 1 : 0) : value;

// Booleans will be transformed to integers in the query
const query = booleanSql`UPDATE settings SET enabled = ${true}`;
// => equivalent to "UPDATE settings SET enabled = $1", with the value [1] after transformation

With these advanced features, you can create more robust and type-safe SQL queries that automatically handle value transformations according to your application's needs.


Back in the days, before ES6, we were used to manually parameterize our queries (separating variables from the queries) in order to avoid SQL injection attacks.

While SQL injections are still a thing, and your queries should still be parameterized, it doesn't mean you should be the one doing it.

When ES6 came out, Tagged Templates were introduced, giving us a way to return a custom value from a template string.

As a result, we could take a mix of strings and expressions and return an object or any other value based on that mix. In our case, we can use this feature to parameterize our queries automatically:

sql`SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ${userId}`
 * Run-time equivalent:
 * {
 *   query: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1",
 *   values: [userId]
 * }

At the time of writing this, libraries like pg and sequelize don't provide a built-in way to parameterize queries using tagged templates. This is where the sql tag comes in.