SafeQL 🤝 Postgres.js
SafeQL is compatible with Postgres.js. SafeQL is built on top of Postgres.js!
// eslint.config.js
import safeql from "@ts-safeql/eslint-plugin/config";
import tseslint from "typescript-eslint";
export default tseslint.config(
// ...
// ... (read more about configuration in the API docs)
targets: [
// this will lint syntax that matches "sql`...`"
{ tag: "sql", transform: "{type}[]" }
Once you've set up your configuration, you can start linting your queries:
import { sql } from "postgres";
import { myClient } from "./myClient"; // Read the note above
// Before:
const query = sql`SELECT idd FROM users`
~~~ Error: column "idd" does not exist
// After bug fix:
const query = sql`SELECT id FROM users`
~~~ Error: Query is missing type annotation
// After: ✅
const query = sql<{ id: number; }[]>`SELECT id FROM users`